Does bluestacks emulator show ip address
Does bluestacks emulator show ip address

does bluestacks emulator show ip address

You should make sure the dedicated has dual Ethernet adapters for redundancy. You will need 1 ip IPv4 or 1IPv6 for each container.

does bluestacks emulator show ip address

For a dedicated Machine, you should make sure it has at least 72GB ram or more, SSD RAIDED for the O/S and also separate SSD's raided for the volumes that will hold your VPS VHD. Find a good host who has Hyper-V technology and since you are looking for volume systems I'm sure someone will provide a decent discount. This will be an expensive endeavor done properly. IPv6 could work with a domain attached for simplicity sakes, not too many people will want to enter that long sequence to get in. Hyper-V in an excellent choice as you can dedicate the resources to each container. You will need a good solid machine for this type of hosting.

Does bluestacks emulator show ip address